Product / ServiceREFRIGERATOR
CategoryC03. Script
Idea Creation LOTUS:H Jakarta, INDONESIA
Production CANANG STUDIO Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA


Name Company Position
Dino Mojica LOTUS:H Executive Creative Director
Bryan Angelo LOTUS:H Account Manager
Suryo Guritno LOTUS:H Agency Producer
Suteddi Chen LOTUS:H Associate Creative Director
Reisha Annabelle Sinulingga LOTUS:H Copywriter
Julham Effendy LOTUS:H Copywriter
Niken Purnarini LOTUS:H Account Director
Khairina Ariesta LOTUS:H Account Executive

Write a short summary of what happens in the radio or audio execution or campaign.

It begins with music that helps establish the mood, followed by a conversation between two people with distinct accents. They are talking about how it is dark, quiet and the temperature is extremely cold and freezing, yet they will stay physically well. Towards the end it is revealed that they are food ingredients inside a refrigerator that has a vacuum compartment feature — and this also explains the reason for accents, reflecting their country of origin.

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any audio.

FRESHER TOGETHER - LOVERS FVO: It’s so cold, mon amour (my love). MVO: Ja (yes), Sweetheart. FVO: It’s dark and quiet, but... I like it… MVO: Ooh you will love it. FVO: But, isn’t this temperature below zero, mon amour (my love)? MVO: Ja (yes), it’s just like my days in the cold Norwegian waters. I feel great. Do you not, my love? FVO: Oui, oui, c’est magnifique (Yes, yes, it’s wonderful)! Also... because you are here. MVO: Ja (yes), if only we don’t have to leave, Sweetheart… FVO: Huh? Leave? Pourquoi? (Why?) MVO: Do you not know why we are here? FVO: Mmm… No? MVO: They keep us here because we are so good together. You, Brie the lovely cheese,... FVO: Oui, oui. MVO: ...and I, Salmon, we make a great dish! FVO: Huh? Dish? Ohhh mon Dieu (my God)! ANNCR.: Hitachi Refrigerator with Vacuum Compartment. Food stays fresher, longeeeeeeeeer, and together… Aaaaawwww.