CategoryB02. Non-profit / Foundation-led Education & Awareness
Idea Creation FCB INTERFACE Mumbai, INDIA
Production FCB INTERFACE Mumbai, INDIA
Additional Company LODESTAR UM Mumbai, INDIA


Name Company Position
Susan Credle FCB India Global Chief Creative Officer
Fred Levron FCB India Worldwide Creative Partner
Rohit Ohri FCB India Group chairman and CEO
Robby Mathew FCB India Chief Creative Officer
Joemon Thaliath FCB India Chief Executive Officer
Mukesh Jadhav FCB India Senior Creative Director
Rakesh Menon FCB India Senior Creative Director
Shailesh Gupte FCB India Senior Vice President
Sudarshan Karandikar FCB India Account Executive
Omkar Kulkarni FCB India Account Executive
Mukesh Jadhav FCB India Art Director
Mayuresh Vengurlekar FCB India Art Director
Ravi Ananthan FCB India Associate Creative Director
Siddharth Kutty FCB India Copywriter
Dhruv Jha FCB India Media Consultant
Amit Raina FCB India Media Manager
Alpa Jobalia FCB India National Head - Films
Mazhar Khan FCB India Sr. Films Executive
Akshay Nair 30ML Ideas Productions Director
Sukirth Rao 30ML Ideas Productions Film Producer
Archana Sarkar 30ML Ideas Productions Film Producer
Shwetabh Mishra 30ML Ideas Productions Film Producer
Rupesh Gor FCB India Manager - Design
Dipti Ronghe FCB India AV Assistance
Prashant Pawar FCB India co-ordination
Pratik Mhatre FCB India co-ordination
Ahel Maswood FCB India co-ordination
jeeJaiee Thakur FCB India co-ordination
Vishnu Sudarshan FCB India co-ordination
Yogesh bhusare FCB India co-ordination
Purbali Mukherjee FCB India co-ordination
Arushi Phillips FCB India Coporate Communication Manager

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A traffic police officer introduces you to the honking capital of the world- the streets of Mumbai. In his chaste Mumbai style describes the bad habit that motorists have here in India- of indiscriminate honking. We now see the regular signals being turned into the Punishing Signal. Unaware of the moded signals, motorists honk away. But now the countdown timer resets again. The commotion continues for a few more minutes, amused by standers have a laugh at the motorist's expense. It takes a clever taxi driver to notice what's going on and signal the rest. Soon the honks stop, the punishment stops and the signal gives way. The cop signs off saying, "Still honking away? Keep waiting"!


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