Product / ServiceLTE ADVANCED - PREMIUM 4G
CategoryA02. Script
EntrantAOI PRO. Tokyo, JAPAN
Entrant Company AOI PRO. Tokyo, JAPAN
Advertising Agency TOKYU AGENCY Tokyo, JAPAN
Advertising Agency 2 NTT ADVERTISING Tokyo, JAPAN
Production Company AOI PRO. Tokyo, JAPAN


Name Company Position
Tetsushi Kawachi Tokyu Agency Inc. Creative Director/Copywriter/Planner
Daisuke Hasegawa Tokyu Agency Inc. Planner/Art director
Yoko Osoegawa Tokyu Agency Inc. Planner
Maori Sato Tokyu Agency Inc. Planner/Designer
Hisaya Kato AOI Pro. Inc. Producer
Kazuki Sato AOI Pro. Inc. Assistant Producer
Shuhei Terada AOI Pro. Inc. Production Manager
Yoshihito Mori AOI Pro. Inc. Director
Masami Funatsu Gonshiro Cinematographer
Mitsuaki Kayanuma GIVS Device Developper
Masaaki Sakamoto otoco Sound Designer
Kazuhide Adachi Freelance Editor
Shinichi Kumazawa Tokyu Agency Inc. Account Exective
Tsubasa Matsumoto Tokyu Agency Inc. Account Exective

Brief Explanation

What initially appears to be the latest episode of the well known Japanese cooking show “Three Minute Cooking”, is actually the newest episode from Japan’s largest wireless carrier, NTT to introduce their high speed network LTE. “3-Second Cooking” features a crazy but clever contraption that can cook Chinese dumplings from start to finish in just 3 seconds. The “Super Fried Dumpling Cannon”.

Creative Execution

Open with a cheesy animation. As the curtain opens, a title “3-Second Cooking” appears before a kitchen. Voiceover: 3-Second Cooking There is a male chef and his assistant in the kitchen. Assistant: Today we are going to make fried dumpling in 3 seconds. Insert shot of the ingredients on the table. Assistant: Ingredients, ground pork, Chinese cabbage… In the middle of the explanation, suddenly the chef leaves and frames out. In the next instant, we see him with goggles on. The assistant has also put her goggles on and watches the chef who is pointing to a drum with salt and pepper on it. Assistant: A touch of salt and pepper? The chef points to the transparent container filled with chopped vegetables. Assistant: Add Chinese chive and garlic, to taste? Then he points to a dumpling wrapper which has been stretched out with a special holder. Assistant: Keep the dumpling wrapper taut?? Both of them are looking at two transparent lanes that becomes one in the middle. Assistant: and the ingredients will be mixed here? Assistant: And just press the button? As soon as the assistant finishes saying the line, the chef screams and hits the button. The meat starts from the lane. It passes through the shower of salt and pepper that has been thrown into the air as the drum was beaten. The meat passes through chopped vegetables. And dives into the dumpling wrapper with amazing speed. The dumpling passes the flame and flies to a catcher who is waiting with his mitt ready. The catcher catches the dumpling and as he opens the mitt, a nicely cooked dumpling appears. The chef presses his stopwatch, which shows the time, 02”244 Chef: Yes! It beat the fried shrimp! Chef, assistant and the catcher sitting at the table. The assistant confusingly looks at the two guys sitting next to her who are eating gyoza they just have made. Instruction appears on the screen. Directions: Takes only 3 seconds, a perfect meal for a busy morning. Replay of the process. Super: Combining two bands will boost the network speed. The picture shows the ingredients that had been shot from two lanes combine into one in the middle. Super on the Gyoza dish. Super: Fastest in Japan. Image of spaghetti napolitan appears. Assistant: Tomorrow’s menu is how to cook spaghetti Napolitan in 3 seconds.