Product / ServiceBACARDI
CategoryB01. Websites
Entrant Company WEBCHUTNEY Gurgaon, INDIA
Advertising Agency WEBCHUTNEY Gurgaon, INDIA


Name Company Position
Ankush Manchanda Bacardi Senior Digital Manager
Gurbaksh Singh Webchutney Creative Director
Saransh Singh Webchutney Senior Art Director
Robi Banerjee Webchutney Copywriter
Sonali Mushahary Webchutney Copywriter
Vijendra Singh Webchutney Programmer
Ashish Sharma Webchutney Programmer
Subhashree Das Webchutney Account Supervisor
Akshay Raheja Webchutney Av Expert
Minnie Jain Designer

Creative Execution

To unite the bartender community and engage with them, we created India's first online platform just for bartenders. The Cocktails Club is a one-stop destination where bartenders across the country can connect over discussion forums, a blog, cocktail recipes, Bacardi events, contests and more. Through this initiative, Bacardi supports and nurtures their brand advocates, who in turn through their involvement in the club have a platform exclusively to talk shop and do greater things with Bacardi..

In just 100 days, the club received over a million visits. More than 80% of club members are regulars, engaging at the club more than 4 times a week. Many recipes have been shared, epic contests were held, conversations never end and neither does the party! To this date, the Cocktails Club functions as the central hub for Bacardi to connect with its bartenders and share the latest in mixology with them. New bartenders also find support and inspiration on our community, thanks to experienced bartenders sharing their successes and know-how with the rest of the bartending world.

No spirit makes cocktails like Bacardi does. Bacardi wanted to drive that idea home to its discerning consumers and own the cocktails space. The most credible way to achieve this objective was to get influencers to become the voice of the brand. These influencers are bartenders, who use Bacardi on a daily basis to mix drinks for their patrons. However, Bacardi trade ambassadors were only able to meet bartenders once a year as there are so many of them. Simply put, Bacardi needed a way to have regular conversations with its bartenders. The challenge here was to engage bartenders across India and convert them to brand loyalists by sparking conversations, discussions and engagements with the brand they use on a daily basis. The answer? A digital destination to keep the conversation going with them 24*7.


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