Product / ServiceIT SERVICES
CategoryE01. Social
Advertising Agency ITSA BRAND INNOVATIONS Gurgaon, INDIA
Advertising Agency 2 FROG IDEAS Gurgaon, INDIA


Name Company Position
Emmanuel Upputuru ITSA Chief Integration Office
Danniel Upputuru ITSA Chief Creative Officer
Arnab Ray ITSA Senior Creative Director
Nitin George ITSA Copywriter
Saaniya Singhal ITSA Art Director
Anirban Mozumdar ITSA Co/Founder
Gayathri Natarajan ITSA Account Manager
Aurnob Godinho ITSA Account Director
Aamir ITSA Producer
Apurva Chamaria HCL Technologies Global Head Brand/Digital Marketing
Krishnan Chatterjee HCL Technologies Global Head Strategic Marketing
Kavita Khushlani HCL Technologies General Manager
Devam Saxena HCL Technologies Social Media Lead
Srishti Duggar HCL Technologies Manager/Digital Front Office
Abhishek Attre HCL Technologies Group Manager/Strategic Marketting
Aditya Narain Mangla HCL Technologies Csm Brand Office
Devdeep Majumdar HCL Technologies Manager/Brand Labs
Jatin Modi Frog Ideas Founder
Ankit Bhati Frog Ideas Founder

Creative Execution

We chose Twitter, (39% of job seekers in the world are on Twitter, 65 million of Twitter population are seeking jobs actively).
We launched a microsite with teaser videos promoting this unique, transparent interview and recruitment experience. HCL employees, past applicants, B-Schools and influencers were approached through e-mailers and posters. It caught on tweets, re-tweets from youngsters and professionals. Tastemakers and online and offline publications. Three rounds of interviews were conducted by HCL-ites responding real time, 24/7 for three weeks. Participants experienced the heart of the company including senior management and leaders at HCL en route to the final selection.

A record engagement with participants from 60 countries, 25% higher than target was achieved. 60+ leading youth and global publications covered the activity generating USD 500,000 worth of PR value.
Kudos poured in from senior HR professionals of global corporations like Philips. Above all:
Today, HCL has the highest Twitter following in the entire IT industry, globally with 201,000 followers.
And it trended on Twitter for 4 different days, across 19 cities beating India's elections and Ukraine in the process.
Probably the only case study the results of which are transparently up for anyone to see

This is the story of how an unknown USD 6.3 Billion dollar enterprise, present in 32 countries with 90,000 employees used a powerful 'show' of transparency to win the battle to attract millennium talent (21Years+) - the biggest battleground in the IT industry.
Objective: Hire great talent into HCL. Above all,create awareness and huge following among the youngsters after. In a process and technology led industry, with Goliaths like IBM, HCL is a very people-led, relationship valuing, company. It shook the world when HCL announced its 'Employees First, Customers Second' philosophy. And the biggest differentiator for HCL its values, especially, transparency. Hold the world's first recruitment campaign in public on an open social medium. Globally.


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