Product / ServiceHAIR CARE
CategoryA10. Integrated Campaign
EntrantARCADE Singapore, SINGAPORE
Entrant Company ARCADE Singapore, SINGAPORE
Contributing Company ARCADE Singapore, SINGAPORE
Contributing Company 2 SONG ZU SINGAPORE Singapore, SINGAPORE
Production Company LOCAL COLOR FILMS Bangkok, THAILAND
Production Company 2 SPICE SHOP Bangkok, THAILAND


Name Company Position
Gary Tranter Arcade Pte Ltd Executive Creative Director
Matt Cullen Arcade Pte Ltd Executive Creative Director
Mark Taylor Arcade Pte Ltd Executive Creative Director
Ferooze Tabrani Arcade Pte Ltd Art Director
Elena Fletcher Arcade Pte Ltd Senior Copywriter
Dorothy Yew Arcade Pte Ltd Managing Director
Saufi Salleh Arcade Pte Ltd Account Director
Chin Han Yu Arcade Pte Ltd Account Manager
Rebecca So Arcade Pte Ltd Agency Producer
Shaun Lee Arcade Pte Ltd Agency Producer
Christophe Chrudimak Local Color Films Director
Ame Sywarungsymum Local Color Films Producer

The Campaign

More and more brands are moving towards content that connects with consumers and their fans. By having a steady stream of always on content, distributed in media that consumers are on, brands will be able to provide an always on demand communication solution.


CLEAR Freshman. For the launch of the new CLEAR Men Clean and Fresh range, CLEAR wants all men to be the Freshman. Through humorous and insightful tips, CLEAR shows men how they can be and remain Fresh in their day to day activities.

Men who always want to get ahead in their lives and careers. They want to be in the know. They want to be cool. They want to be fresh! Utilizing real social insights, and using humor, these insightful tips allows men to thin about how by just changing their behavior they would be able to stay one step ahead.

The Singapore campaign garnered 1,451,820 video views, 95,881 impressions, and 1,495 engagements on social media. Video assets received an audience retention of 93% and reached 472,802 individuals - 62% of our target group. Social video seeding resulted in over 47,000 views - a 31% over-delivery. In terms of media efficiency, the online videos had a CPRP of $58 compared to $255 for FTA.