Product / ServiceKIT KAT
CategoryB02. Consumer Products
EntrantJWT Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Entrant Company JWT Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Advertising Agency JWT Sydney, AUSTRALIA


Name Company Position
Rhys Arnott Jwt Sydney Account Mngr
Nigel Seeto Jwt Sydney Account Dir
Kaye Cook Jwt Sydney Project Manager
Trent Henderson Jwt Sydney Head Of Print Production
Jesse Mcelroy Jwt Sydney Director
Mike Watt The Drawing Book Illustrator
Matt Townsley Jwt Sydney Photographer
John Koay Jwt Sydney Cw And Ad
John Lam Jwt Sydney Cd
Mark Harricks Jwt Sydney Ecd

The Brief

The Limited Edition KIT KAT White was so popular, demand was outweighing supply and they were running out quickly. The brief was to refresh interest in the Kit Kat brand using the Limited Edition KIT KAT White to drive the overall appeal of the brand, as part of of the overall strategy to turn 'likers' of the brand into 'lovers' of it. Our objective was to make the love for the product outlast the product itself, to promote talkability and awareness of the brand.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

Instead of printing traditional posters, we wanted to do something special, by saving the actual final 50 Limited Edition Kit Kat Whites to create 50 exclusive posters, hand crafted by illustrator Mike Watt so Kit Kat White could help to make breaks more entertaining, forever. To promote this project, we firstly released a video of the process then created an online gallery showcasing the exclusive posters on Facebook to reach to our 200,000+ fans. We invited our fans to share their favourites, then held an exhibition to view the posters, where fans collected their poster and said goodbye to the last fifty bars.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

We delivered on our objective of building awareness of the brand through activation activities online and offline resulting in instant widespread PR across magazines and websites, likes, comments and shares around The Final Fifty campaign. Our target audience were highly engaged with all 50 exclusive posters in the online gallery being commented on and awarded within the first 72 hours. We increased the depth of our relationship with our highly engaged fans in our Facebook community and provided another example of Kit Kat's ownership of the break.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The Final Fifty started from the fact that while Kit Kat White had a limited life span, the last bars could be used to create timeless artworks for people to enjoy in their breaks forever. The creative execution contained the actual DNA of the subject matter, making them exclusive and newsworthy in the offline and online world.