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CategoryA01. Event & Field Marketing
Advertising Agency DDB GROUP NEW ZEALAND Auckland, NEW ZEALAND


Name Company Position
Daniel Nagels Dop
Judy Thompson Ddb Group New Zealand Executive Tv Producer
Amy Pollock Ddb Group New Zealand Account Executive
Steve Kane Ddb Group New Zealand Creative Director
Rebecca Rassie Mango Account Manager
Sean Brown Mango Account Director
Bob Glancy Mango Group Account Director
Amanda Summersby Ddb Group New Zealand Print Designer
Andy Robilliard Ddb Group New Zealand Print Producer
Jamie Barrett Ddb Group New Zealand Planner
Jenny Travers Ddb Group New Zealand Account Director
Jane Mill Ddb Group New Zealand Agency Producer
Lisa Fedyszyn Ddb Group New Zealand Art Director/Copywriter
Jonathan Mcmahon Ddb Group New Zealand Copywriter/Art Director
Toby Morris Ddb Group New Zealand Art Director/Copywriter
Simone Louis Ddb Group New Zealand Copywriter/Art Director
Andy Fackrell Ddb Group New Zealand Executive Creative Director
Amy Pollock DDB Group New Zealand Account Executive

The Brief

On average, women in New Zealand are paid 10% less, for doing the same job as men. To promote equality and put a stop to this blatant sexism, YWCA Auckland decided that men should be charged 10% more than women. This was to highlight the absurdity of two genders being treated differently when it comes to money, as well as to cause debate, and encourage New Zealanders to go online to show their support for the Pay Equality Bill.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

We charged men 10% more in the real world, starting with a coffee cart set up out the front of Parliament House. The stunt was designed to create controversy and get the politicians, media and public talking, and awaken this sleeping giant of an issue that has plagued women in New Zealand for decades. And most importantly drive people to to support the Pay Equality Bill.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The Promo not only raised awareness of the issue, but it received national and international awareness earning media coverage valued at over $800,000 (broadcast TV, news, radio, press, editorial, PR, social media). It had a phenomenal return on investment earning $200 for every $1 spent. Launch month of the campaign saw visitors to the site increase by 9,000%, and donations increased by 22% compared to the previous month. But, most importantly, we gathered the support we required from both men and women in support of the Pay Equality Bill. Which has now been put forward to Parliament to become an act.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Worldwide, YWCA’s mantra is ‘Empowering Women’, so it makes sense that they would be champions of the pay equality cause. And because women in New Zealand are paid 10% percent less than men, we decided that men should pay 10% more. This is indeed fighting absurdity with absurdity, but it’s all about creating a conversation and driving people to support the Pay Equality Bill.