Title | AN ACT OF GOD |
Product / Service | STOCK IMAGES |
Category | C04. Stunts & Live Advertising |
Entrant | REDIFFUSION Y&R Gurgaon, INDIA |
Entrant Company | REDIFFUSION Y&R Gurgaon, INDIA |
Advertising Agency | REDIFFUSION Y&R Gurgaon, INDIA |
Name | Position |
Sam Ahmed | Chief Creative Officer |
Chraneeta Mann/Komal Bedi Sohal | Executive Creative Director |
Nitesh Sah | Creative Director |
Chraneeta Mann/Eranbemo Murry | Copywriter |
Nitesh Sah | Art Director |
Bhaskar Ghosh | Account Supervisor |
Rajesh Chaudhary | Advertiser's Supervisor |
Kalyani Srivastava/Ayan Das | Producer |
Manoranjan Kumar/Bhavdeep Singh/Abhishek Anand | Other Credits |
The creative execution took the shape of a cleanliness drive, branded An Act of God. We selected littered areas, picked images of Gods from indiapicture’s image library, recreated them as wall paintings or ceramic tiles and placed them on walls in messy areas. Upon seeing their Gods in less than perfect surroundings, people cleansed the areas – ending up with cleaner streets and a cleaner city. It truly demonstrated the power of images. We also encouraged people to be a part of the drive by directing them to the indiapicture portal where they could download images of Gods and paste them up in garbage prone areas.The activation was conducted across 4 cities.