V.1(panicked male) Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Ballistix, umm… callsign ZM1319, sitting about a kay north east of Kawau, the cabin is in flames, 3 members on board, one injured, request urgent assistance. Over.
I say again, Mayday mayday mayday, this is Ballistix located one kilometre north east of Kawau Island requesting urgent assistance, our cabin is on fire, one crew member injured, over.
Mayday mayday mayday, vessel in distress, one kilometre north east of Kawau, we are on fire, one crew member requiring medical attention, request urgent assistance. Over.
Played across major stations a week after the lo fi station went to air.
V.1(panicked male) Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Ballistix, umm… callsign ZM1319, sitting about a kay north east of Kawau, the cabin is in flames, 3 members on board, one injured, request urgent assistance. Over
I say again, Mayday mayday mayday, (fades out)
V.O This message has been playing to the majority of greater central Auckland on its own dedicated frequency for the past week, and not one person responded to the call.
If people like the coastguard aren’t there to listen, who is? Call 0900 SOS SOS or go to Coastguard.co.nz to donate.