
Product / Service1213
CategoryB01. Consumer Goods


Name Company Position
Michael Dee United Communications Group CCO
Kevin Huang United Communications Group ECD
Ivo Lee United Communications Group SCD
Kei Kei Wang United Communications Group Copy
Gwen Chen United Communications Group Assistant Art Director

Cultural / Context information for the jury

Background: When stir-frying and cooking Chinese dishes, they will leave stains that are difficult to wash away in the pans. Housewives often scrub them hard with a scouring pad, resulting in many scratches on the surface of the pans. 3M non-scratch scouring pad can effectively remove the stains without leaving scratches. How does the new product attract the attention of housewives? Execution: We use various statements in conversations that housewives often hear from family members which scratch at them, and these symbolize the scratches on the inside of pans. Such as husband said to wife: “Have you put on weight?” ……Children told mom:”The same old dishes again. Is there nothing else to eat?” All these scratches on the pan form a profile of a sad housewife's face draw attention to the unintentional harm of words as well as resonate with housewives, while highlighting the function of 3M non-scratch scouring pad.

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any text.

Headline: Scratches happen unintentionally but what hurts more is beneath the surface. 3M non-scratch scouring pad The back translation of some scratch statements in the visual: Common statements in conversations from husband that scratch and scrape at his wife 1. Have you put on weight? 2. Can you give me some peace and quiet? I’m tired from work 3. My mom means well, you’re always misunderstanding what she meant. 4. You’re just taking care of the kid, how tiring is it really? Common statements in conversations from children that scratch and scrape at the mom 1. Geez, aren’t you tired from butting in every day? 2. The same old dishes again. Is there nothing else to eat? 3. Mom, don’t make lunchbox for me. The stuff I can buy outside tastes better 4. You’re always asking, and then you don’t understand when I tell you 5. Mom, you need to be more trendy. Common statements in conversations from the parent-in-laws that scratch and scrape at the daughter-in-law 1. Why is my grandchild so thin? Have you been feeding him? 2. That’s not how you should raise a child Cook more nutritious food, then my grandchild won’t get sick so easily.

Is your billboard / poster larger or smaller than a 6 sheet poster (1200 x 1800mm)?

The billboard is smaller than 6 sheet. It’s 590 x 840mm.