Product / ServiceFILM
CategoryA03. Use of Outdoor
EntrantOMD Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Media Agency OMD Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Entrant Company OMD Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Media Agency 2 OMD Melbourne, AUSTRALIA


Name Company Position
Matt Mills OMD Melbourne Business Director
Rob Moore Roadshow Films Deputy Director of Marketing AU/NZ

Brief Explanation

The success of disaster films relies on a feeling of scale; big cast, big effects, big impact. Without these assets, our download-savvy, young audience could deem it torrent fodder rather than one to see in-cinema. With a $3M box office objective we needed to prove it was "cinema worthy". Our campaign needed to create an IMPACT to get our audience into cinemas to see Into The Storm.

Results and Effectiveness

Our condensed and innovative campaign delivered outstanding results: • $2.6M Box Office on opening weekend – almost entire target • Our total Box Office was 7x our original target • Doubled awareness for the film in ten days, twice as fast as usual The talkability of our innovative augmented reality panel garnered international media coverage equating to hundreds of thousands of dollars in added PR value.

Creative Execution

Since we can’t control the weather, we relied on media innovation. Our key piece was a bespoke outdoor placement through JCDecaux. Using augmented reality innovation, the panel appeared like a window, to show the street behind it: vehicles, pedestrians, buildings etc. As the viewer approached the panel, the technology would send a tornado tearing down the street towards them... Like a real storm: While the panel was the centerpiece to our campaign, we furthered the storm reality with fake weather reports through national radio and street press, and mobile takeovers (that emulated a tornado with sound and vibration).

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

For our young Australian audience, what’s more impactful than a big Hollywood storm? A real local storm. If we couldn't make the film seem big using it's assets, we would make the storm feel REAL. And since we can’t control the weather, we brought it to life in media - all our media placements were high impact and most were innovative to make it feel real. Our condensed "in-market" campaign hit them hard and fast (like a storm) to leverage their impulsive nature and drive them in cinema, and to mitigate against them downloading the film.