Product / ServiceTWISTIES
CategoryA07. Use of Events and Stunts
EntrantPHD Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Media Agency PHD Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Entrant Company PHD Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Media Agency 2 PHD Sydney, AUSTRALIA


Name Company Position
Catherine Barnard PHD Comms Planning Director
Angela Rapley PHD Director of Content

Brief Explanation

Twisties is a true Aussie icon and a firm family favourite. However, with no media support for the past nine years, it’s had to rely on past glory in order to stay relevant. This is risky strategy. Especially when your target consumer is a young millennial faced with a many different brand choices and constantly looking for the new and next thing. This, coupled with increasing competitive spend and lots of snacking NPD entering the market, meant that Twisties had to find clever tactical ways to stay relevant to millennials… with NO ATL media budget.

Results and Effectiveness

Katy stuck a smiley face on it and tweeted the picture to her 68m followers. The tweet was favourited over 10,000 times and retweeted 7,600 times. Then websites across the globe-started to report about it, The MailOnline, MTV, JustJared, Cosmopolitan, London Evening Standard and more were all raving about Katy’s wardrobe choice. The earned media generated reached 7.1m people - estimated media value $3,695,000. At a cost of only $6k, our campaign had achieved a colossal ROI of +61,483%... By tapping into the power of celebrities in a playful and relevant way we got millennials, and the whole of Australia, talking about Twisties again.

Creative Execution

In the weeks leading up to Katy Perry’s visit To Australia, she made global headlines by turning up to a Halloween party dressed as a Cheeto (Twisties’ American cousin). Our mission was clear: We would get Katy Perry in a Twisties costume and get Aussie millennials talking about it. After a week of stalking and relentless calls, Universal finally allowed us to send the costume to Katy Perry’s dressing room at the ARIAs. We also sent her a picture of the costume for her to get excited... and excited she was!

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

The thing about millennials is that is not about how LOUD you shout at them, it’s the brands that can be part of their social conversations and experiences that remain relevant and salient. This formed the cornerstone of our approach. Nothing gets millennials talking more than celebrities. Celebrity news, celebrity gossip, celebrity fashion are like oxygen to this audience. Even Pharrell’s hat from the Golden Globes has a Twitter following. That was our key insight. It’s not big celebrity endorsement that this audience responds to, it’s the fun quirky and playful celebrity moments that get them talking.