Product / ServiceMINI OWNER EVENT
EntrantARACHNID Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA
Entrant Company:ARACHNID Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA
Advertising Agency:ARACHNID Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA


Name Company Position
Chin Weng Keong Arachnid Creative Director
David Soo Arachnid General Manager
Kelvin Wong Arachnid Associate Creative Director
Victoria Chu Arachnid Associate Account Director
Chin Sue Lynn Arachnid Account Manager
Darian Goh Arachnid Creative Head
Chan Yi Mun Arachnid Art Director
Too Wei Lian Arachnid Copywriter
Hor Yuen Kin Arachnid Art Director

The Campaign

MINIACS TRACK DAY: We developed a private MINI event to reward and show appreciation for loyal MINI owners. The idea was that every MINI owner is so obsessed with MINI they can’t stop thinking about it day and night – total MINIACS! this event is the only way to satisfy their MINIACAL urges. At the event, MINI owners and their guests got to learn about various advanced driving techniques over a series of thrilling driving courses. By the end of the event, all MINIACAL tendencies were appeased and both owners along with their guests were proud certified MINIACS.

Success of the Campaign

The campaign garnered a high attendance rating of 96%. Based on the feedback forms, the event was very well received with an average rating of 4.2 out of 5. 97% of the participants were interested in attending future MINI events. The event generated the following prospects (owner’s invited guests), which can potentially be converted into new MINI owners: Non-MINI Owners: 33 Hot prospects: 11 (those with less than 6 months buying window). Owners of older MINI models: 9 (High potentials for Up Sell).

Describe how the campaign/entry was launched and executed across each channel in the order of implementation.

The Invitation: Humorous direct mailers were sent out to MINI owners. These mailers communicated that the recipient has been diagnosed with MINIAC TYPE IV syndrome, urging them to get immediate treatment at the MINIACS TRACK DAY. The mailer included a MINIAC test kit featuring MINI-inspired Rorschach cards along with temporary relief medication – a pack of pills (candy)! Similarly themed EDMs and website updates were implemented. The Event: Event collaterals such as activity pylons, banners and backdrops just to mention a few featured crafted headlines and icons revolving around the MINIACAL theme.